Beyond Traffic: How Publishers Are Moving Away from Social Media Platforms

In recent years, publishers have been relying heavily on social media platforms to drive traffic to their websites. However, this trend is starting to change. As reported by Digiday, many publishers are now moving past the idea of social media platforms as traffic drivers and are exploring new ways to engage with their audience.

Algorithm Changes

So why are publishers moving away from social media platforms as traffic drivers? One reason is the changing algorithms of these platforms. Social media algorithms are constantly evolving, making it increasingly difficult for publishers to gain visibility and reach their target audience. As a result, publishers are realizing that relying solely on social media platforms for traffic may not be a sustainable strategy.

More Control

Another reason why publishers are moving past the idea of social media as traffic drivers is the desire to have more control over their content and audience. Social media platforms have strict guidelines and policies that can limit what publishers can share and how they can interact with their audience. By focusing on building their own channels, publishers can have more control over the content they produce and how they engage with their audience.

New (Old) Strategies

So what are some of the new strategies that publishers are exploring? One approach is to build their own channels and communities. Publishers are now creating or returning to their own newsletters, podcasts, and online communities to engage with their audience directly. This approach allows publishers to build deeper relationships with their audience and create more personalized experiences.

Focus on SEO

Another strategy that publishers are exploring is search engine optimization (SEO). By focusing on SEO, publishers can increase their visibility on search engines and drive traffic to their websites organically. This approach requires a long-term investment but can be a sustainable strategy for publishers looking to drive traffic to their websites. SEO can be applied to website pages, headers, meta data, and more!

Paid Distribution Channels

Finally, publishers are also exploring the use of paid distribution channels such as Google Ads and Outbrain. These channels allow publishers to reach their target audience directly and can be an effective way to drive traffic to their websites.

In conclusion, the trend of publishers relying solely on social media platforms as traffic drivers is starting to change. Publishers are realizing that social media platforms can be unreliable and limiting, and are exploring new strategies to engage with their audience. By building their own channels and communities, focusing on SEO, and exploring paid distribution channels, publishers can create sustainable strategies to drive traffic to their websites and engage with their audience.


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